• ‘You have to be ready for yourself’: Recovering Addicts Share Words of Wisdom for Those Thinking of Going to Treatment

    The following is a guest post from Cecelia Johnson at RecognitionWorks on making the tough decision to go to treatment for addiction and the benefits that can come about from taking the leap: Introduction Going to treatment is a wonderful, life-changing decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. But for many, it’s also one of the most difficult choices to

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  • Treating Behavioral Addictions

    Behavioral addictions, also known as process addictions, include any behavior that has become compulsive, unmanageable, and is having a negative effect on you and those around you. This includes things such as: Pornography Addiction Sex Addiction Video Game Addiction Exercise Addiction Compulsive Internet Use Work Gambling, etc. Interestingly, with recent advances in medical technology, such

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  • Exercise Addiction

    If you are concerned that you or someone you know has a problem with exercise addiction and/or compulsive exercise, here are resources that can help. The Warning Signs Are you spending increasing amounts of time exercising and less time engaging with friends, family, and other interests? Have you noticed that your exercise habits are starting to have a negative impact on

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